Saturday October 6th: Plenary

08.30- 09.00: MRD and PET in lymphoma: S. Luminari (Italy) , D. Kurtz (USA) , Chair A Moskowitz (USA), E Zucca (Switzerland)

09.00- 09.30: New tracers in Lymphoma: K. Herrmann (Germany) (imaging CXCR4 and metabolism)

Chair: C Thieblemont (France), A Versari (Italy)

09.30-10.30: Prognostic factors beyond imaging: A. Lister (UK) Chair: Ch Gisselbrecht (France), L Kostakoglu (USA)

10.30 10.45: Coffee break

10.45-13.00: Poster discussion: U. Duhrsen (Germany), T. Vander Borght (Belgium)

13 00 14.00: Lunch

14.00-14.30: PET and MZL. C. Thieblemont (France) Chair: M Federico (Italy), M Coronado (Spain)

14:30-15:00: “Radiomics: when will it be useful for clinicians?”  I. Buvat (France) Chair: T El Galaly (DK), L Ceriani (Switzerland)

15.00- 16-30: Results of PET guided trials in lymphoma and presentation of new projects: all groups Chair W Oyen (ND) L Rigacci (Italy)

17-00: Closing (M Meignan, A Gallamini, C Haioun)


The organizing committee is very grateful for the following supporting

Institutions, association and donators:

La Ville de Menton

L’Office de Tourisme de Menton


Le Fonds Henri Mondor, L’Associazione Angela Serra,

Labex IRON, Siric Iliad

L’Association Robert Debré pour la Recherche Médicale

La Fondation Clarence Westbury,

Monsieur Jacques Boissonas

Madame et Monsieur Danesi

We would like to thank the following Pharmaceutical companies



We would like to thank the following imaging companies:


10th international workshop on PET in lymphoma and myeloma (PILM 2025)